Monday, January 19, 2009

Not Me! Monday- First try.

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

This is the first time I've ever done "Not me! Monday", so here goes.  If they aren't that interesting you can go read MckMama's blog....she's funny!  

1.  I  did not drive 40 miles (round trip...each time) to IKEA three times last week just to buy two items that totaled a whopping $30.  Not me!!

2. I definately did not scarf down a deluxe eclair the size of Texas in less than 3 minutes.  Nope! Not Me!

3.  I most definately did not refuse to give my children a bite of the deluxe eclair I was devouring.  Heck No...Not Me!!

Thanks for suffering through this.  I'll try to make next week better.  Guess I had better start doing things I shouldn't do.  


  1. Great not me monday, i thought it was so funny about the eclair

  2. LOL!

    Sometimes we just don't want to share... ;) nothing wrong with that... lol

  3. Great Not Mes! I don't like to share either :)
