Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Dancing Up Wishes

I am so excited to tell you how amazing the Irish Dance community is!

Our school, Crawford School of Irish Dance/An Daire Academy (we are in the process of merging with An Daire), has an annual feis (competition) every year in Salt Lake City, Utah.  This year we have created a "special" in honor of Kaidan.  A special is something each dancer can sign up for, or not.  It's not required, but it is an extra cost to those participating.  

Specials are extremely fun.  The dancers are separated by age groups and usually there are so many they form a horseshoe around the stage.  One by one they step out and dance one step (right and left leg) down the line.  Unless someone isn't watching, there is no break between dancers.  As one dancer is bowing the other is dancing.  The audience claps, whistles and makes all sorts of noises to cheer them on.   The musician plays until the last dancer on all stages is finished.  The energy in the room is palpable.

This year there are several specials and one of them is a slip jig special for Kaidan.  It's called:

"Dancing Up Wishes for Kaidan" Charity Special

All proceeds from this special will go to benefit Kaidan.  Isn't that amazing?  I am so excited for this family and for Kaidan.  She has a special spot in my heart, as you all know.  She is constantly on my mind and I know she has pulled the heartstrings of many in our studio.  Even this evening, when Caleb was at dance, I was asked about Kaidan.  She has alot of people praying for her.  She's in good hands!!

Right now I can imagine her parents trying hard to catch a little bit of sleep before they have to take her in for the bone marrow test tomorrow morning.  I'm not sure how long the wait is for the results, but no matter how long, I'm sure it seems like an eternity.  

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