Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Gettin' Jiggy With It

Just some of the Crawford Novice-Prizewinner (and one beginner) dancers are shown here. We tried to gather up everyone we could. Jill is in the middle and looking quite proud I must say.


Casey & Rachel sporting their trophies. Casey had a great Feis. He had a few dances stuck in Novice and was able to win 1st in all but one them, his Hornpipe. He placed 1st AGAIN in his Prizewinner Light Jig and walked away with TWO big trophies and a handful of medals. He also placed in his figures and specials. Casey is now working on getting the rest of his dances out of Prizewinner and into Prelim*.


My beautiful Irish Dancer! I can't believe how much she has changed over the past few years. She is so close to being in Preliminary Championships we can taste it! Chloe did very well at the Utah Feis, too. She won lots of trophies and medals. This smile is because she actually placed 1st in her Novice Single Jig which means she now has everything in Prizewinner. She's also placing very high on her other dances (2nd, 3rd place). Just a few more Feisanna and she will be Prelim!!!


*Prelim/Preliminary Championships- This is the level of placement after Prizewinner. In order to move out of Prizewinner and actually start competing at the Prelim level, you have to win 1st place in ALL of your solo soft shoe (Reel, Light Jig, Single Jig, Slip Jig) and a Traditional Set (hardshoe) and two 1st places in your hardshoe (Treble Jig, Hornpipe). If there are under 5 competitors, the placements do not count. Chloe already has one 1st place in her hardshoe and has danced out of her Traditional Set by winning 1st place at the Utah Feis.

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