Monday, January 18, 2010

Change is EXCITING!!

Today, for the very first time, I'm sporting elastics on my braces and I couldn't be happier.

As you can see...I'm also celebrating Valentine's Day. Do you know what color(s) I be wearing on February 15th when I get them changed again?

By the way, don't mind the hair...I really need to get it cut! My hair stylist is off having a baby. Can you believe her? Here I desperate need of a haircut and she thinks it's time to contract (we hope!!). Just kidding! I love ya Melissa!! Have a great labor & delivery. As soon as I get my machines back I will be sewing up some awesome diapers/covers for you. I can't wait!!

Today, my Orthodontist told me that I am moving along very quickly. He's very pleased with the results! This excites me because I was told it would be at least a year before I started wearing elastics as they had to wait for my teeth to move more into place. My teeth were just begging to be moved into place, it seems. My lower teeth have moved so quickly and I am currently on the largest wire (on the top set) that is offered.

Sometimes I look back at my teenage years and wonder why I didn't do braces sooner. However, all I have to do is remember it was just a few months ago that I was suffering from the pain of a fractured (and abcessed) front tooth. For 15 years I suffered, unwilling to do anything about it because I lacked confidence in myself.

My how things have changed. Thank goodness!!


  1. Yay for change!

    GREEN!! That's what you'll be wearing after your next appointment!!

  2. I am so happy that your excited about bands...
    its nice to know that we are moving in right direction. gorilla and wolf power
