Casey is running for Student Council. We worked on his speech tonight. I'm very proud of him. He came up with most of it!! Do you think I could cast my very non bi-partisan vote?
Hi. My name is Casey and I am 10 years old. I have 3 brothers and 1 sister. My sister, Chloe, is in the 2nd grade here at (insert Elementary school).
I like to ride my bike, play in the dirt, play with my friends and play my Irish Penny Flute. There is also something I bet none of you know about me. I am an Irish Dancer. I have competed in lots of competitions and earned lots of medals and trophies.
My family and I moved to (insert city name) 2 months ago. It was hard to leave my old friends and school, but you have all made me feel more comfortable. I really like (insert elementary school) because everyone is very nice and the school is very clean. I am glad they put me in Mrs. C's class. This is the BEST class in the whole 5th grade!!
I hope that you vote for me, Casey, to be in the Student Council. If I win, I promise to do an Irish Jig for the class.
Thank You!!
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